Welcome to Connections Informed Care™
This is a time of rapid, encompassing change. All the social forms, values, and identities are being challenged, disintegrated, reorganized to fit a new, still forming collective ideal yet to be realized. It is a time of rapid evolution in the areas of intelligence, consciousness, and inclusion of differences. Such a time is naturally challenging on our mental health, our relationships, our sense of certainty, meaning, and purpose. Anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, anger, alienation and suicidality are not only on the rise but becoming so complex and normalized that the boundaries of mental illness and wellness have become increasingly blurred and difficult to address. No doubt, in our culture, the primary field of endeavor to treat this effect of modernity has become psychotherapy.
But like everything else, the field of psychotherapy is also undergoing fast, complex change at a time when a new generation of therapists is emerging on the scene. While it is unavoidable and necessary to accept and adapt to the demands of the global transformation, it is also even more important than ever to identify and steadfastly preserve what is essential and time-proven in our field of practice. We need to know what to hold onto and make sure it is not thrown out or lost within the frantic effort to change a world suddenly proving itself to be out of date.
At Connections Informed Care, we are committed to creating a space where we can slow down, clarify, and share the fundamental, core practices, principles, and values of psychotherapy and its hard won traditions through over a century of modern confrontation with the well being of the individual, the family, and the community. We are a training institute offering a space and a process for the next generation of therapists to inherit the wisdom of this profession while empowering them to make their impact and influence the changes that have needed to happen in our field for decades.
We provide online and in-person training for psychotherapists with a special focus on developing the psychotherapist’s capacity for remaining relational and effectively utilizing the emergent discomfort of experience as a context for healing, growth, and developmental integration. We are expanding beyond Trauma Informed Care with the view that all clients will benefit from a relational approach to care.
We offer individual therapists as well as mental health agencies a thorough relational approach to all levels of care. Our flagship offering is a three part series called Being a Relational Therapist which begins with the basic principles of being relational and moves gradually into practicing different therapeutic models with this relational approach.
Please schedule a consultation appointment with one of our lead trainers to discuss the scope of our services and pricing.
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